Pets are a wonderful addition to your life. Whether you’re a cat lover, a dog person, a bird owner or whatever, having a pet confers all kinds of benefits to your life. Studies have consistently shown that people with pets are happier, healthier and live longer lives than those who don’t have animal companionship. But while your pet may take good care of you, are you taking good care of your pet? With the changing seasons, your pet’s needs also change, and improper care can have a negative impact on your pet’s health. But with a bit of knowledge, you can ensure that your pet stays happy and healthy no matter what the weather is like.

If you live in a northerly climate, walking your dog can become something of a struggle in the winter. Excessive snowfall can make it difficult to navigate sidewalks and parks, meaning you might be inclined to make your walks shorter or just leave your dog to play in the yard. Don’t do this. Walking your dog isn’t just a necessity for sanitary reasons, it also keeps little Fido or Rover in top physical condition. If you don’t walk your dog properly or regularly, he or she can suffer joint pain and weight gain, causing health problems later on. Even during winter, you should do your best to make sure your dog gets the same amount of exercise that he does during the warmer months.

At the same time, you shouldn’t keep your dogs or cats outside too long. Much like humans, cats and dogs aren’t very well adapted for prolonged cold. If you’re finding the outside temperatures to be chilly and uncomfortable, chances are they are too. Keep your pets indoors as much as possible. If you can’t keep them in your house, make sure they have some kind of outdoor shelter that insulates them from adverse weather conditions.

Finally, you should make sure to get your pets checked at the veterinarian before winter comes. If your cat or dog has any sort of health issue, prolonged exposure to cold could worsen or aggravate it, possibly threatening his/her life. Make sure to deal with any health problems before the season of snow and mistletoe sets in.

Follow this advice and you can enjoy many happy years with your cat, dog or other pet whether it’s winter, summer, spring or fall.