I think I have always loved animals even thought I never had one as a child…

This began with my first dog, a Golden Retriever named Sandy, who was the first canine love in my life. My Mother had been in a wheelchair since I was fourteen years old. I was her main caregiver and my Grandparents felt that my having a pet to take care of would distract me from caring for my mother. Quite the opposite however. When a close friend asked me to keep his dog while he was in college, after much consternation, my family agreed. He immediately bonded with my mother and was devoted to her until the day she passed away. For many weeks later, he could always be found lying down in their favorite spot in the house. It broke my heart, as I knew he missed her as much as I did. For five happy years, you would always find them together. He would follow her around in her wheelchair or lay quietly beside her. As young and rambunctious as he was, he never once jumped up on her. He seemed to know how fragile she was and that she needed him even more than I did. The bond between them was a mutual miracle. After my mother passed, Sandy took care of me went I away went to college, and for ten years after that. Until GOD felt it was his time to go be with her once again.

That was over twenty years ago now… and I have had many dogs since then , most of which have been rescue dogs…and these are their stories…

A keeshond named Puffy came to stay with me to keep me company after I lost my Sandy. Needless to say, she remained with me another ten years! Another Keeshond, named Pooh Bear’s Winter Valentine, Val for short, joined Puffy and I, and he lived to the ripe old age of almost 17. I had to walk them separately, because where I was living at that time only allowed one dog. Since they both looked alike, I was hoping people thought that I sure did walk this dog a lot!!!

My next little canine love, I named LadyBugg. My husband and I found her crossing the street on a freezing winter day. She couldn’t have been more than five or six weeks old. There were no houses around, so I am not sure exactly where she came from. She became another member in our canine family and lived with us until she was sixteen.

Fred “Beagle” came home with us after finding him on a vacation in the mountains of North Carolina. We were staying with some friends who told us about this stray hungry beagle that had been hanging around their property over the winter. He was very timid and would not let them approach him. He did, however, make friends with their two dogs and would join them at mealtimes!!! Somehow, he bonded with my husband while we were there… and guess what, he came back to Florida to live with us. It took three years for him to let any of our neighbors pet him…he was very selective, and we were so grateful he chose us!

Cheech and Chong, sheltie mixes, were found at a local Feed Store, both needing a home, and being sold for $5.00 each. They worked as a team and were our best guard dogs so far…all 20lbs of fur!

Heidikin, a German Short-haired pointer, we inherited from my in-laws when they could no longer care for her. She and my black lab, LadyBugg, knew each other as puppies, and ended up growing old together in our home as best friends.

All of these wonderful animals, have since gone to Doggie Heaven…and we still miss each one each and every day. That feeling NEVER leaves you. You deal with their loss knowing that now, each of them is young, happy and healthy, running and playing in the Heavens above.

The two current members of our family are a Golden Retriever named Gingersnap and her best buddy and partner in crime – Action Jackson, a blind beagle mix who literally ran into me one day. It was one year to the day exactly, when we lost our Keezie, Val. I put out some inquiries, but when I had no response, I knew GOD had sent him to us to love and care for; and be loved and cared for by him. Ginger and Jackson are inseparable, and my husband and I have finally realized we have no chance against this duo!

This article is about our canine family members….there are others too. Cats, horses and miscellaneous ‘critters’ that have come into our lives and enriched them beyond all measure…

…but that is another story……